Sunday, April 6, 2014

Another Legend....

          36 years old, it seems an impossible age to put the body into extreme test, stand on top of the world, and shine like a star in the night. But there is one who did in this plane and she is Li Shiao-Yu. It is a challenge letting your body to suffer in an endurance sport and leading as a champion at contemporary, but she has proved she can do it with a 2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles bike ride, and a marathon IRONMAN course in her action.

          Li Shiao-Yu, a Taiwanese national represented IRONMAN triathlete who also known as 'The First Ironlady in Taiwan'. In spite of her fame, have you ever known what was the power that makes her an Ironlady today? She had a different experience than other people but she lives as lively as other people. At 17 years old, she was paralyzed after a crash but this never beat her down. Sitting in front of the mirror and looking at herself, she told herself that she needs to get up and move.

          From the day that she could walk at the beginning of rehabilitation until she could  run and realized the truth of life. At that moment, she tells herself she wants to keep moving in the rest of her life. At 25 years old, she was inspired by Lance Armstrong after reading his autobiography 'It's Not About The Bike: My Journey Back To Life' which collaborated with Sally Jenkins and soon devoted herself into triathlon, represented Taiwan in ASEAN national triathlon competition.

          "We have aims in our different stage of live. When I was 32, I was looking for something more challenging," she said. Hence, she signed up the IRIONMAN Hainan, China on 2010 and stated her IRONMAN triathlon career life.


“I never thought of giving up. I just kept running, thinking I must catch up with the fastest one and win,” she says and she is Li Shiao-Yu.

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